Tag: pelvic floor
Erection Questions & Answers – Tight Pelvic Floor
Answers to Questions I’ve been asked about tight pelvic floor muscles, tight anus and how it relates to erection quality.
Motivation to exercise your erection muscle gives payback of Intense Ejaculation
Brief demonstration adds vigour and bit of spice to comprehensive training that you are now undergoing at Make Your Erections HARDer. Pelvic floor muscle
Pelvic Floor erection exercise – is Prostate Massage in rhythm waves
Can give a WOW moment with a prostate massage from your muscles – as you exercise your pelvic floor muscles – for a future HARDer erection
Anus Raise Exercise – for Harder Erections
Why does the Anus Raise improve erection quality? …when we clench our anus – all the important muscles (including Ischiocavernosus muscle) – that push blood into our penis contract.
Anal Breathing makes Erections Harder
Anal breathing requires mind/body focus – enhanced mindfulness imagining breathing anally, in time with breathing. allows us to put our anus through its whole range of motion – exercising our pelvic floor muscles, great for Harder erections
What do you feel as you exercise differently
not so much – exercise, but begin to connect your mind to your body – what is it feeling?You may feel all sorts of things – if they are pleasant – embrace them and think of nothing  but only your body for the next few minutes of exercise.
The Penis Anus Move
This session gives some great sensations all in the pursuit of gaining a Harder Erection! Plus link to Extra Sextion.
​Exercise Pelvic Floor Muscles – with or without Abs?
There’s different reasons for men to exercise pelvic floor muscles – our goal of a harder erection, means abs just need to assist the Ischiocavernosus contraction – not be the prime mover.
​The Pelvic Floor Relax Exercise
Aka Make Your Penis Swell Big! This will set you up for the next section – The Sexual Level
Whilst Your Penis is Out – Exercise him!
​Every time you go to the loo! Just take another minute! Here is a great way to do the erection exercise – after you have been to the loo – give your penis a quick workout.
Max Anus Relax – to avoid tight muscles
This position can really help with anus relaxation! ..legs wide and possible arch your back a little too. Try all sorts of different positions and see what works for you!