Whole Body Workout with Penis focus

When our body is fit – so to is our penis and how erect it gets!
This video: encourage encourages sexual feelings to help motivate you
you need nothing but your body
Whole body exercise great for improving hormone profile, blood flow a great stress reliever too – all setting your body up for a nice erection – more frequently. The coming day after this session – you should find semi erections occurring! It can even add a new dimension to your masturbation time, but I’ll leave that for BroTime!

For HARDer Members & Erection Students


head & shoulders image of Coach Harper ย  The Erection Coaching I give in this video

….to gain extra control of erecting your penis and making yourself HARDer…

…is for HARDer Members & Erection Students.

If you would like to be either of these

โ†’ and gain an Erection Attitude plus enjoy greater sexual satisfaction…


โ†’ย  โ†’ please email me: harper@malecoach.com

โ†’ I’ll send you the join link/details.



