Premature Ejaculation – 3 Techniques to Help You Get Control

main aspect, likely to be your state of mind. Once it’s decided to have a long session and your mind is on board, you will prolong sexual euphoria. Yes, it can take huge amounts of self control, but it is worth it – intensity of feeling that has been buildingย  and building up within you. Cum control can be trained for, but you have to want it.

For HARDer Members & Erection Students


head & shoulders image of Coach Harper ย  The Erection Coaching I give in this video

….to gain extra control of erecting your penis and making yourself HARDer…

…is for HARDer Members & Erection Students.

If you would like to be either of these

โ†’ and gain an Erection Attitude plus enjoy greater sexual satisfaction…


โ†’ย  โ†’ please email me:

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