My Erection Help Videos on YouTube Say…

Naked man pushing balls and penis to one side to show muscles of the pelvic floor

….Not in regard to the message I convey – but what my Penis Health Training Videos on YouTube tell us about society’s views on men’s health and their erections.

Walking a tightrope

Erection health is a contentious subject – I find I’m walking a tightrope daily – whilst I love my job for the great sense of achievement it brings – as erection problems can have a profound effect upon men’s mental and physical wellbeing – I don’t enjoy the constant self regulation that I feel I have to have.

I would dearly just love to be free to talk, demonstrate and educate me on all things to do with erections. But I cannot – for fear of stepping into territory that could see my health education information be censored/removed. This has been the case with a few of my Youtube videos – 90% have passed their strict examination but to lose 10% of health content due to being deemed overtly sexual causes me to be very careful. If I don’t explain or demonstrate clearly enough then the message is lost. Perhaps YouTube is a microcosm of society!

Nude Videos

I am naked in all my videos at YouTube, just as I am mostly here – in a pure naturalistic, healthy way needed to inform that there is so much we can do to help our body – we don’t have to lose function, however if we do – we can get it back with the Penis Heath Resource right here at

Society’s Views on the Help I give

I find it incredible that in 2021, when there is so many bad things going on, that anyone could take offence to what I am doing – which is trying to help men restore their natural function. There is a medical need for my work and the irony is that in the process of improving penis health and erection quality – the whole body and mind benefit as this is training to condition the whole body and mind as the penis does not work in isolation. Yet I find I have to be so careful to ensure no one is offended. This is such a balancing act – so anyone out there feels that I have overstepped the mark, I would first ask them to, before they judge me:

  • Bear in mind that whilst some men can get help from their doctor or by taking pills, for some this wont work, especially erection problems of a psychological nature, which can affect younger men. So for just one example – that man in his 20’s may just be suffering from performance anxiety – but who else out there is going to help him? (more on this below)

Then just for one moment think…..

  1. of a man that they know in their life
  2. how he may be feeling if he could not perform as a man – the devastating effect this can have
  3. if a Penis health resource on the internet could help him – would they want him to be able to get that help

…or should those educational videos on penis and erection health be removed and he be condemned to a miserable life feeling a loss of masculinity?

20’s all the way to 70’s

When we lose something it can be devastating – especially a big loss to our masculinity. However getting it back again can make us value it like never before – our passion and zest for life improve!. So you see, this is all about helping men of all ages be the best they can be. Then they will be better partners, husbands fathers and grandfathers, more productive at work and so on. They will actually contribute to society – so I wish those that judge me would open their mind to the bigger picture.

Starts with the Mind

Now for the majority of men a trip to the doctor will work, but the men that contact me either have: a combination of factors that are affecting the erection process, or an erection problem purely of a psychological origin. For this pills will not work. Hence why this site is named PenisMind as the two are inextricably linked. A strong erection starts in the mind, as the mind controls all the physical aspects associated with it. There is one exception admittedly, a reflex response – but this is very limited. Discussed further in the Penis health resource.

Getting Back what you once had – or protecting what you have

My methods do work, I am passionate about helping men of all ages get back what they once had and possibly more too. I just wish society would not judge so much: not only on the internet, but in real life too.- where I feel I cannot say what my real job is – An Erection Coach. Consequently those days when I have had men thanking me for restoring their masculinity causing me to feel on a high – I cannot share with anyone as society doesn’t seem to think such things ought to be spoken about, or perhaps I should be more bold and tell people in real life too, but I can only handle so much judgement.

So for now I’m doing right here – providing a safe place where we can talk about penis health and you can look forward instead of backward.

PenisMind โ†’ connection

If you’d like to discuss any aspects I have raised here please do get in touch or comment below.
