Erection Security training – erect in demanding situations

Ditch your Viagra and train for this technique instead – overcome psychological erection issues and become ready to penetrate – anytime, any place. But it takes training.

….by focussing upon your ever strengthening erection muscle with the Daily Erect Exercise you can train your body and mind to give you a great erection. This is how to start:

  • do theย daily erect exercise –ย  – as the muscles get stronger – the sensations you can provoke from the exercise will become stronger.
  • calm your mind and focus ONLY upon the sensations you can provoke. (if this is for 10 seconds – it is still valuable) Gradually aim to clear your mind for longer and longerย **Note: This mind training/calming can be more difficult than the physical, but always doable!
  • then with practice – you’ll just focus upon the sensations and almost amplify them in your mind – this is when it can become powerfully calming and erotic – it is a state of mind that you can train for and it will give you that security you’re looking for.

To further help your state of mind :

Plus at odd times in your day – introduce the MTR – for further focus/mind training:

All this together will gradually start to give you that erection security you’re lookingย for – but it starts with the physical.

Also note that: some days your mind may be calm and focused – other days/times less so, don’t ever get frustrated if you have the odd blip, frustration is the enemy of erections, just accept it and think positive that next time you try it may be a bit easier.ย 

Tipย – you can always use breathing exercise as in the testosterone boost above.

All this will help, t give it time and know that training to calm the mind and focus can be tricky, but always possible.

Coaching Help

Training both our mind and body like this – is more challenging than many physical gym workouts and sports training – but quite possibly more rewarding? Remember it is always doable but for some can take time: I know this first hand as for me it took ages but for every day that I further my practice – the rewards seem to be greater – so think of your training as work in progress – but with many little self sexual/ penis rewards along the way.

As always please feel free to discuss any of the above with me – I’m here to help you with your erection security.
