Develop Erections with Attitude at penisMind

Be a HARDer Member or an Erection Student researches how to instil an Erection Attitude & confidence – key to gaining CONTROL of YOUR PENIS erecting capabilities.

Your Erection Attitude is Important

It will give you HARDer Erections for longer and under your control. Plus it’s great for overcoming erection difficulties of a psychological nature.

Two Ways to start gaining Erection Attitude

  1. As a HARDer Member
  2. As an Erection Student in the Erection Gains Survey

Erection Student or HARDer Member?

Your erection coaching will be exactly the same – using the HARDer Erection Video Guide

Your Erection Gains will likely be the same.

Difference between Erection Student & HARDer Member

Communication with your Erection Coach

As an Erection student you undertake to answer my questions about your Erection training. As a HARDer Member you don’t need to communicate with me if you don’t want to.


In return for answering my questions – your memberhip is discounted by a third – giving everyone access to the pioneer of Erection Coaching – the

Research at

All that I discover in the Erection Gains Survey is implemented in my revolutionary Erection Coaching.

If you’d like to take part in this research and see how HARD you can be – please apply here- Erection Gains Survey. Perodic availablity only.

Be a HARDer Member

Alternatively, if you want to start getting HARDer right away with no wait time for the next Erection Gains Survey – see how hard you can be – Becoming a Harder Member

Kickstart Your erection Training Video Guide

an erect penis-tinted blueBecome a Harder Membererect penis and balls tinted blue