Does Masturbating Longer – Make Penis Longer?

Your Erection Question:ย 

Does long masturbation sessions make the penis grow and get thicker?


A long masturbation session can be viewed as an erection workout โ€“ strengthening the erection muscle (Ischiocavernosus). Consequently, with a stronger muscle – more blood will be forced into the penis. The longer the duration of this extra blood in the penis โ€“ improves penile elasticity allowing the penis chambers to stretch and allow even more blood to flow in with less resistance.

The gains in a younger man will be less noticeable as penile elasticity, blood flow and pelvic floor muscle strength are already strong, but it is a way to maintain current penile capability (Use it โ€“ or lose it!).ย 

The ageing process weakens all muscles including the erection muscle (Ischiocavernosus) and penile elasticity can be reduced, so long masturbation sessions for an older man will accumulate to strengthen the Ischiocavernosus, improve penile elasticity thus allowing more blood to be forced into the penis, making it become more engorged and very slightly bigger. However it should be noted that the gains from one session will be very limited โ€“ it is an accumulation that gives any noticeable results combined with a healthy lifestyle.

So yes a long masturbation session provides a great penis workout and the older you are means it may help improve your penis size too!
