Category: video1
erection training videos from the Penis Health Resource
​Diet to Lose Fat but Gain Harder Erections
Eat the leaf and what happens here under the leaf will more than likely happen to you too. Who ever knew – green leaves were always the ‘male’ thing to do. Perhaps it was called rabbit food for a reason – breed like rabbits – now we know they’re secret!
Erection Problem or Different Personality Type
s your personality type affecting your erection It may be you’re expecting too much of your penis, putting it in situations it doesn’t feel comfortable with.
​Erection Problem or Simply Tiredness? | Are You Getting Enough…
Are you getting enough sleep for your erection? It’s one of the most important things for erection quality. Especially as we get older
A Smile tricks us! My penis demonstrates
This was one of my very first videos made for my Youtube channel – before (After a few years YouTube removed it though – for being a semi too far.)
Want More Erections? Be Happy!
We all probably want more erections, that is unless you’re a teenager and it never seems to go down. As we age a harder penis is something we’d love more of and we can actually attain by being happy….. The Power of Happy Thoughts (and training your mind to connect with your penis more)If you’re…
Physical & Psychological Aspects Being Used to Erect My Penis
Hands Free Erection on Demand …without Sexual Arousal Why Demonstrate This? Showing you this is the very best way to demonstrate the link between the psychological and the physical to help erection problems.. Ill explain…(below video)
Erections Need Sunlight
Sunlight and daylight is good for us – very good for our penis and erections. Penis doesn’t need to be exposed – being outside and in the bright daylight clothed is just what the ordered! Extra sunlight boosts testosterone levels in our body and is especially important in the winter months (unless you live…
Everyday Way you boost Testosterone for Frequent Erections
as below – remind yourself why you’re doing it – almost feel the testosterone and confidence rise within you – as that’s exactly what’s happening. Proven!
​3 Easy Ways to Increase Testosterone Naturally for Harder Erections
Naturally boost your Testosterone – the key to overcoming any anxiety induced erection problems due to lack of physical attraction, or a spiritual connection – plus it will get you harder – faster and for longer.. ….and give you erections more often
High Testosterone + Sexual Feeling+ Penis Exercise = Instant Erection
Adding a sexual element into this exercise to make it sensuous, enjoyable and further improve testosterone levels. However some days this will work, some days it will. Please remember that sometimes I will not get aroused – it just depends upon our mood, plus also do know that when I first started doing this I…
Boost Your Testosterone in 2 minutes – Proven!
This is proven to work – It is the wide limbs that actually give the proven physiological response – in hormone levels. However you can further boost the effects with a relaxation phase, or a sexual phase.