BroTime (Guided Masturbation) is Advanced Erection Coaching

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BroTime is guided edging

BroTime is a masturbation guide, in the form of edging – to improve your health – and invigorate your whole being. Plus it’s a great way to strengthen your erection.

Edging Defined

Stimulating yourself to the point of near ejaculation – at which point – reducing stimulation just enough to prevent ejaculation – but strong enough to hover almost in a sexual euphoria whilst you: use your internal muscles with varying degrees of stimulation. โ€ฆโ€ฆto titrate (adjust) your cum level; so that you feel as if you’re about to ejaculate – but you’re suppressing it – to leave you on the edge – so close to that ejaculation point in total ecstasy.

Coach Harper – the in BroTime at

Why BroTime (Edging) will Make Your Erections HARDer

  • a great amount of muscle control is used to surpress ejaculation. (the same muscle that makes the penis more rigid).
  • a good mind/penis/body connection (exactly what helps deal with erection problems of a psychological nature)

So you see Brotime – is a form of erection coaching – Advanced Erection Coaching

In BroTime I guide you to control your ‘cum level’. This actually all started when you were a HARDer Member ‘tuning in’ to your penis – with the MTR, and with erection exercises – gradually developing control over your erections and sexualness. BroTime takes it a srep further.

The question is how long can you stay there? With training 1 second can become 101 seconds, or more, of pure bliss. This means you may experience whole body orgasms before ejaculating.

When in BroTime

  1. Let yourself Go and open your mind into an intense sexual place
  2. Your sexual self deserves this – we train our body and our mind – our sexual self needs attention too!

This guided masturbation is not always instructional, but is more follow along with me. Some video sessions are: watch and follow, some involve elements of instruction and discussion, but most combine a bit of everything – demonstration, instruction and me being there (albeit in a pre recorded video) to give you support and motivation to challenge yourself to gain all the rewards from the art of masturbation. Plus some sessions are me – really letting myself go – into a sexual frenzy – hopefully inspiring you to get a bit wild with yourself too!

BroTime a Separate Membership โ€“ all on its own.

Advanced Erection Coaching

….BroTime works best once you’ve trained as a Harder Member

For BroTime to work โ€“ a good penisMind connection โ€“ and muscle strength are needed to gain control over your erections and ejaculations for some great edging times.

This is what youโ€™ll learn as a Harder Member – to train your penis, body and mind to gain the control needed for the edging in what is Guided Masturbation here at BroTime.

The start of some great BroTime’s begins as a Harder Member. However if you already feel that you have good erection and ejaculation control, then yes – jump straight into BroTime.

BroTime works in three ways:

  • to breathe new life into your masturbation times – elevating masturbation to: great fulfilling self sex
  • to improve erection quality and ejaculation control
  • to make you feel great – not just whilst in BroTime, but outside of it too.

Different Coaching Styles

  • Throbbing Harder Erection Guide informs, explains and demonstrates – coaching in the form of informing.
  • BroTime is join along with me – coaching in the form of a guide that you follow.

Worth the Training?

Working your way through Harder Erection Video Guide gives enjoyable penisMind development/workouts. You should love every minute of it and discover: new sensations and sexual control as you progress. But you must know – this does not happen overnight, it is a great sexual challenge that can be viewed in two ways:

A self sexual pleasure challenge – to break free from porn to discover different sexual aspects of your own body.

Elevating masturbation into fulfilling and deeply satisfying self sex

….Our own body can be so sexual and as you progress through your training you’ll find the control you have over your sexual response becomes greater, with you being able to elicit more powerful sexual sensations in your own body, with a penisMind connection that strengthens and amplifies these sensations in your mind to take you off to a sexual euphoric place. Then a touch of will power to keep yourself on the edge of euphoria, will be so heavenly that anyone else or pornography would be an unwanted distraction.

So you see that is why Brotime is Advanced Erection Coaching – if you have any questions please ask.

the erection coach clothedMy BroTime experiences may inspire you?

I’ve had some great sexual times in my life – with various sexual partners, and like to think I’ve tried a few things. Some of these sexual experiences were so great, I often relive them, and they still to this day make me feel good for many various reasons: ranging from a desire for recounting raw sex through to sensual lovemaking. Yet to date – self sex (Brotime) has provided me the best:

  • raw sex ever
  • and actually the best sensual lovemaking ever

I realise this, to some, may make me seem sad, as it goes against what society tells us is normal, but then perhaps I’m different – who knows! I’m not ashamed to admit it – a great self sex session with myself can start off with some raw basic sex, but as the edging progresses – can turn into an almost spiritual experience – in the sense that I find I truly belong somewhere, as I am enter this sexual euphoria.

That is not to say this happens every time – I have to be in the right frame of mind – but as I practice my penisMind techniques more and more with edging – I do seem to find my way to the ‘sexual euphoria room’ a bit quicker.

A Sexual Treat

A long BroTime edging session for me can be hours – I will pop in and out of the sexual euphoria room many times – each time I enter it at a different level. And that is the beauty of BroTime: I know that I’m improving my erection, which is improving my physical health and the sexual elation is improving my whole being – providing me with a great sense of self for hours after, sometimes even a day after. But for me another feeling – one that may be very personal to me – perhaps you may gain something similar or totally different; but I tend to gain me an overwhelming feeling that I realise I actually belong somewhere. This for me is such a great feeling.

– I wonder what great feelings you may experience from a long Brotime session?

But for those reasons Self sex now falls into one of the following three:

  • A quick self pleasure time minimum 20 mins – normally 1 hour (conventional type masturbation) but with one of many different self sex themes to suit my mood at any time.
  • An edging session involving different sexual themes on different occasions, normally lasting well over an hour
  • A marathon edging session involving multiple sexual themes – taking me in and out of sexual euphoria, 2 hours plus

Number 3 is for a special treat and can be so intense that I’d not be able to do it regularly – it is extra ordinary!

So in summary, all the above takes work to achieve – but is enjoyable, rewarding and pleasurable – and it all starts by contacting me – as you can tell I’m passionate about all of this – so always happy to talk to you about it.

just email me:


BroTime members get my number for messaging App: Signal which gives a private way to communicate or send media should you wish to share your progress, or experiences. (discreet & private)
