Art of Masturbation, Edging in BroTime & Erection Coaching

Edging is a workout for your penis, your sexual mind, your erection and it elevates masturbation into self sex.

What is Edging

In that moment, when you feel close to ejaculating, reduce stimulation just enough to keep the cum exactly where it is in your body. You’ll get to the stage where you’ll sense your cum rising and falling, almost hypnotized by the sensation of knowing where your cum is. Your penis will get harder and harder and feel disproportionately bigger – the slightest touch or stroke giving rise to a euphoria within every part of your body, even your limbs, giving the sensation of feeling at one with your penis. You are merely an extension of your penis even your mind – hence why this site is callled – your mind will be overun and controlled by your penis, nothing else matters.

Coach Harper at

BroTime is not just good for your erection quality, but also provides a deep sexual trance like experience – a perfect place to go when you want a break from the world.

BroTime, is Edging but it’s also – Advanced Erection Coaching

  • muscle control (also making your erections more rigid).
  • penis to Sexual Mind connection (improves sexual satisfaction, erection attitude, ED psychological)
  • ability to ‘read’ your cum level (improves ejaculation control and intensity of ejaculations)

In BroTime I guide you to read your cum level so that you can then control it. This actually all started when you were a HARDer Member and ‘tuning in’ to your penis. It all started with the MTR and gradually developed to control your erections and sexualness. Now in BroTime we’re just taking it a little further to control your cum level.

The question is how long can you stay there? With training 1 second can become 101 seconds, or more, of pure bliss. This means you may experience whole body orgasms before ejaculating.

The Art of Masturbation

There can be so much to it

Sexual independence in a Heightened Erotic State and HARDer erections.

BroTime – sexual euphoria and sexual transcendence is almost an art form – sexual art and this has to gradually develop and evolve – it can’t just happen overnight, so – practice is needed – which will strengthen your pemis, your muscles and ypur sexual mind.

Bro Time Membership Levels

BroTime trial


BroTime Plus

BroTime is recomended once you’ve trained as a Harder Member

For BroTime to work – a good penisMind connection – and muscle strength are needed to gain control over your erections and ejaculations for some great edging times.

This is what you’ll learn as a Harder Member – to train your penis, body and mind to gain the control needed for the edging in what is Guided Masturbation here at BroTime.

The start of some great BroTime’s begins as a Harder Member.However if you feel all the above is already strong enough in you, then you can jump straight in with a BroTime Trial or if you’re really sure that Edging is for you – choose BroTime or broTime Plus

BroTime Membership Levels

Why edging increase sexual pleasure?

As each potential ejaculation event is suppressed – the sexual pleasure accumulates, especially the physical sexual sensations, as the pelvic floor muscles and prostate get ready for ejaculation by contracting ready to expel semen, which if curtailed leads to an accumulative sensation of sexual euphoria. This can be so strong that it will override any other thoughts and will take over your mind…

Then the stage can occur when you crave more euphoric feelings and so actually want to delay the ejaculation event. So you see initially a great edging session involves will power, but then a tipping point is reached, in time and with practice, your body and mind craves the edging experience to continue and so becomes one less involving will power and more involving an intense sexual euphoria. And that is exactly what BroTime is all about – I guide you and encourage you to edge with various different ways to get to the tipping point – aka the willpower/euphoria threshold.

Why edging increases penis hardness in the future

It takes serious muscle control and strength to suppress an imminent ejaculation. This muscle strength builds with each session and involves the same muscles that are responsible for pushing more blood into the penis – thus making it more rigid.

BroTime Healthy in many ways

BroTime is guided masturbation or erection coaching by stealth! Possibly the most healthy way to masturbate – great for sexual health, physical health too as well as sexual wellbeing – through the safe and controllable self sex – that I aim to inspire you with – by showing is’s as powerful and satisfying as sex with another (or even more so). But perhaps you know that already.


BroTime is joined through – my admin site – where erections, penis, masturbation and BroTime are never mentioned – it is referred to as: BT – Advanced Video Coaching to ensure a discreet service.

This also applies to any payment details – it is referred to as:

  • Advanced Video Coaching

Payment details listed on statements:

  • Male Coach

BroTime Membership Levels